learning methods


The methods used in this dissertation and its representation are based on the notion that the more-than-human world is both intelligent and communicative, and humans would be well-served by finding ways to (re)learn, and practice, the many languages with which it speaks (see Harvey 2006a, 2006b). I invite readers to resist the influence of discourses that may be making this difficult, including the "cognitive imperialism" (Battiste, 1998) and "methodological atheism" (Ezzy, 2004, p. 118; see also, Dillard, 2006b) which dominate much of the academy. This does not mean that there is not room for skepticism, but demands instead, that many ways of knowing that have been outlawed, pushed underground, or otherwise silenced, be given more space in the processes of knowledge-making. Using a dialogic methodology and methods may just provide the kinds of insights needed to address the complex environmental problems created by Western epistemologies.
